Music I Enjoy
These are my favorite albums to listen to. The albums are ordered alphabetically by artist.

3kliksphilip - Audio Crime
- Genre: Electronic
- Year: 2009
Personal Notes: Not listening to this would be a motherfucking Audio Crime, this shit slaps so hard!! I recommend the Spotify version, since I personally prefer the different Nursery Nightmare that's on there, but the YouTube one is great too. Also 3kliksphilip rocks and his content is awesome.

Anathema - Weather Systems
- Genre: Progressive Rock
- Year: 2012
Personal Notes: Incredibly fucking beautiful and full of raw euphoria, genuine masterpiece.

Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy
- Genre: Drum And Bass/IDM
- Year: 1997
Personal Notes: The sheer contrast in tone between the first 2 songs is very funny to me.

Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
- Genre: Ambient Techno/IDM
- Year: 1992
Personal Notes: Hedphelym is the only stinker in this album, everything else fucking ROCKS.

Aphex Twin - Syro
- Genre: Electronic/IDM
- Year: 2014
Personal Notes: aisatsana is an incredible album finisher.

Bass Communion - Bass Communion II
- Genre: Ambient/Dark Ambient
- Year: 1999
Personal Notes: I love the spacey feel of this album, Steven Wilson's ambient stuff is truly excellent.

Blackfield - Blackfield II
- Genre: Progressive Rock
- Year: 2007
Personal Notes: Holy fucking shit. This is incredibly amazing, even better than the first one in every possible way, which is surprising because that one was already pretty great. Listen to it NOW. Christenings is a personal favorite of mine.

Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase
- Genre: Electronic/Ambient
- Year: 2005
Personal Notes: Incredible album with back-to-back bangers, definitely my favorite BoC album so far. I have to give a special highlight to the incredible combo of the first 4 tracks together, as well as the awesome ending track.

Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
- Genre: Electronic/IDM
- Year: 2002
Personal Notes: Electronic bliss at it's finest, really wish I listened to Boards of Canada earlier. Also Alpha and Omega is a certified banger.

Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
- Genre: Electronic/IDM
- Year: 1998
Personal Notes: I could listen to Roygbiv for 8 hours and still want to listen to it more.

The Brave Little Abacus - Just Got Back From the Discomfort - We're Alright
- Genre: Emo/Math Rock
- Year: 2010
Personal Notes: This album evokes a certain vibe of 2010 for me. Definitely one of the most emotional albums I've ever listened to.

Broadway Karkat - Treblestuck
- Genre: Covers
- Year: 2013
Personal Notes: Yes, I really do enjoy listening to this. Honestly, it was quite an emotional rollercoaster the first time, I expected myself to hate this, but I genuinely started to enjoy it, and even cried tears of happiness/sadness during some of the songs (to be fair, they were pretty sad, but they're still covers made by fucking Broadway Karkat) and enjoyed the others. By the time the album ended, I genuinely felt like listening to it for the first time was a life changing experience. I went back to a few songs later, and Horns Over Heels and Love Is Blind, Terezi (Reprise) made me straight up go full baby mode and I was covered in tears/snot while relistening to them a few times. Props for not only being the most I've ever cried to music, but also for making me cry to Homestuck.

C418 - one
- Genre: Ambient/House/IDM
- Year: 2012
Personal Notes: One of the best albums ever made, full stop. It gets me in the feels every fucking time. C418 is an actual musical genius. The album also has a lot of symbolism, which you can learn more about here.

Death Grips - Gmail and the Restraining Orders
- Genre: Noise Rock
- Year: 2019
Personal Notes: My absolute favorite Death Grips release, despite it literally being noise for 28 minutes. Maybe that's why I love it so much, actually.

Death Grips - Interview 2016
- Genre: Electronic
- Year: 2016
Personal Notes: Death Grips instrumentals are my jam, and this EP features some of the best ones they've made. Great for road trips.

Death Grips - Steroids (Crouching Tiger Hidden Gabber)
- Genre: Experimental Hip Hop
- Year: 2017
Personal Notes: This is one hell of a track to vibe to. Sometimes I like to imagine laser sword space battles happening while I listen to it.

Dire Straits - Brothers in Arms
- Genre: Pop Rock
- Year: 1985
Personal Notes: Money For Nothing and your chicks for free. The rest of the album is also pretty good.

Dire Straits - Dire Straits
- Genre: Blues Rock
- Year: 1978
Personal Notes: Listening to early Dire Straits makes me feel like a cowboy. Yeehaw.

DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.....
- Genre: Instrumental Hip Hop
- Year: 1996
Personal Notes: I wish this album had more jazzy and laidback tracks. Those are my absolute favorites.

Dream Theater - Awake
- Genre: Progressive Metal
- Year: 1994
Personal Notes: Used to be my favorite Dream Theater album. It feels a bit heavier than any of their later output.

Dream Theater - A Change of Seasons
- Genre: Progressive Metal
- Year: 1995
Personal Notes: A sweet 2-in-1 combo of a fantastic title track and some very good live cover performances.

Dream Theater - Metropolis, Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory
- Genre: Progressive/Heavy Metal
- Year: 1999
Personal Notes: One of my all-time favorite albums with a great story and fantastic tracks. Always coming back to this one regardless of current personal listening trends.

Dream Theater - Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
- Genre: Progressive Metal
- Year: 2002
Personal Notes: The title track is an incredible journey, and one of the best songs ever created. The rest of the album also ain't bad.

Emily Montes - Emily Montes
- Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
- Year: 2020
Personal Notes: I have no idea how such powerful and genius music can even be created. Impactful lyrics, catchy beats and unmatchable flow makes this the single best rap album ever created.

Faith No More - Album of the Year
- Genre: Alternative/Funk Rock
- Year: 1997
Personal Notes: Incredibly underappreciated on release, but has thankfully gained the positive reputation it deserves since. Very good sendoff for Faith No More of the 20th century.

Faith No More - Angel Dust
- Genre: Alternative Metal
- Year: 1992
Personal Notes: Very catchy album with lots of funky tunes.

Faith No More - King for a Day... Fool for a Lifetime
- Genre: Metal, Alternative/Indie, Pop, Rock
- Year: 1995
Personal Notes: Cuckoo for Caca is kinda Caca, but Evidence slaps hard.

I.E.M. - An Escalator to Christmas
- Genre: Experimental/Progressive Rock
- Year: 1999
Personal Notes: Very ambienty EP with an enjoyable and strange vibe.

Jean-Michel Jarre - Équinoxe
- Genre: Electronic/Ambient
- Year: 1978
Personal Notes: I enjoy the cover art a lot, and the tunes are pretty great too. Probably my favorite of Jarre's work so far.

Jean-Michel Jarre - Oxygène
- Genre: Electronic/Ambient
- Year: 1976
Personal Notes: Very funky groovy. I am a massive sucker for ambient stuff.

Lemon Demon - Dinosaurchestra
- Genre: New Wave/Electronic Rock
- Year: 2006
Personal Notes: My first proper Lemon Demon album. Has so many great and catchy bangers, it's hard to pinpoint my favorites, but I'll definitely mention This Hyper World as a highlight.

Liquid Tension Experiment - Liquid Tension Experiment 3
- Genre: Instrumental Rock/Progressive Metal
- Year: 2021
Personal Notes: GOD, so many of the songs from Disc 1 have endings that make me feel total EUPHORIA.

Madvillain - Madvillainy
- Genre: Alternative Hip Hop
- Year: 2004
Personal Notes: While not my favorite album from DOOM, it is certainly one of his and Madlib's best works. A lot of the stuff on here is very catchy and I like it.

- Genre: Hip Hop
- Year: 2004
Personal Notes: My absolute favorite DOOM album. Incredibly catchy, and I ALWAYS come back to it first after not listening to DOOM for a while.

Mr. Bungle - California
- Genre: Experimental Pop
- Year: 1999
Personal Notes: Very strange yet familiar sounding set of tunes. Mike Patton's vocals really sell the odd atmosphere.

Muse - The Resistance
- Genre: Alternative/Progressive Rock
- Year: 2009
Personal Notes: I don't listen to a lot of Muse, but this is always the first album I think of putting on when I'm in the mood. Great album with a lot of beautiful tracks.

Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine
- Genre: Industrial/Alternative Rock
- Year: 1989
Personal Notes: Very enjoyable listen, especially with the screeching loud industrial sounds. I'm serious.

Pilotredsun - Achievement
- Genre: Electronic
- Year: 2016
Personal Notes: Great album with pretty feelsy and vibey tracks. Pilot's stuff is awesome.

Pink Floyd - Animals
- Genre: Progressive Rock
- Year: 1977
Personal Notes: Iconic album with an iconic cover. Great tunes as well. Personal favorite is probably Sheep for that ending alone.

Pink Floyd - The Wall
- Genre: Progressive/Art Rock
- Year: 1979
Personal Notes: My favorite Pink Floyd album. The symbolism of the album looping itself makes me sad when thinking about it.

- Genre: Progressive Rock
- Year: 2022
Personal Notes: A great comeback after a lack of new studio albums for a decade. While it doesn't have the prog metal sound that Porcupine is arguably most well-known for, this is still a very good listen with a lot of memorable and great tracks. Definitely excited to see where else the band might go.

Porcupine Tree - Deadwing
- Genre: Progressive/Alternative Metal
- Year: 2005
Personal Notes: A few of these tracks hit me pretty hard when I listened to them the most, as I was going through pretty nasty emotional problems at the time. Half-Light is a fucking amazing bonus track that straight up made me cry and I recommend you check it out.

Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet
- Genre: Progressive/Alternative Metal
- Year: 2007
Personal Notes: I thought it was really funny when Steven Wilson said "Xbox".

Porcupine Tree - In Absentia
- Genre: Progressive/Alternative Metal
- Year: 2002
Personal Notes: This is probably the best Porcupine Tree album. Trains might be my favorite PT track, hands down. The Deluxe edition of the remaster has amazing bonus tracks, I highly recommend listening to them.

Porcupine Tree - The Incident
- Genre: Progressive Metal
- Year: 2009
Personal Notes: Perfect album for a walk in the Autumn rain.

Porcupine Tree - Lightbulb Sun
- Genre: Progressive/Alternate Rock
- Year: 2000
Personal Notes: There's many atmospheric and emotional tracks that I enjoy. Particular highlights are Shesmovedon and The Rest Will Flow.

Porcupine Tree - Metanoia
- Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic/Space Rock
- Year: 1998
Personal Notes: This shizz puts me in a trance to the point where I can't hate a single track on it, it's a great experience.

Porcupine Tree - On the Sunday of Life...
- Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic/Space Rock
- Year: 1992
Personal Notes: A lot of very bizarre songs in this one are enjoyable, but I have to give a special highlight to Radioactive Toy for being incredibly atmospheric and having a very wicked and apocalyptic sound.

Porcupine Tree - Recordings
- Genre: Progressive/Alternative Rock
- Year: 2001
Personal Notes: For being mainly a collection of B-Sides and unreleased tracks from two of their albums, this really has some very great tracks. Not a fan of Access Denied, but everything else rocks hard.

Porcupine Tree - The Sky Moves Sideways
- Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic/Space Rock
- Year: 1995
Personal Notes: I love Porcupine Tree's newer stuff, but man, their older stuff is fucking awesome, and I'm all for it.

Porcupine Tree - Transmission IV
- Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic/Space Rock
- Year: 2001
Personal Notes: Yes, this is technically a single, but I'm making an exception for it because I like the cover art (the old one is also awesome), and the song itself is excellent.

Porcupine Tree - Up The Downstair
- Genre: Progressive/Psychedelic/Space Rock
- Year: 1993
Personal Notes: Burning Sky and Fadeaway are amazing.

The Prodigy - The Fat of the Land
- Genre: EDM/Techno
- Year: 1997
Personal Notes: A lot of memorable and catchy techno bangers. I particularly like Climbatize.

Radiohead - In Rainbows
- Genre: Alternative/Art Rock
- Year: 2007
Personal Notes: Probably my favorite Radiohead album. I like the different direction they went with this one, compared to their previous work.

Radiohead - OK Computer
- Genre: Alternative/Art Rock
- Year: 1997
Personal Notes: Pretty catchy album. I particularly like the first 2 tracks.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
- Genre: Alternative/Funk Rock
- Year: 1999
Personal Notes: A classic Chili Peppers album with very iconic tracks. If you do intend to listen to it though, be aware that the CD master, which is the one on all streaming services, is pretty bad. The Unmastered version or preferably a rip from the 20th anniversary vinyl is recommended.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Stadium Arcadium
- Genre: Alternative/Funk Rock
- Year: 2006
Personal Notes: While there's some repetitive filler tracks, the album as a whole is still very enjoyable, and is another fun dose of some good ol' RHCP. However, if you do intend to listen to it, seek out a vinyl rip somewhere, because the CD master, which is the one on all streaming services, is pretty bad.

Scythelord - Earth Boiling Dystopia
- Genre: Death/Thrash Metal
- Year: 2021
Personal Notes: Incredibly stellar metal album. Deserves more attention.

Scythelord - Toxic Minds
- Genre: Death/Thrash Metal
- Year: 2016
Personal Notes: I've known of this album since before it came out via The8BitDrummer's stream, but never knew what it was called or listened to it until 2021. Heh.

Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
- Genre: Dubstep
- Year: 2010
Personal Notes: Very nice dubstep album, with my personal highlight being With You, Friends (Long Drive). That one always makes me tear up.

Steven Wilson - Hand. Cannot. Erase.
- Genre: Progressive Rock/Pop
- Year: 2015
Personal Notes: This has to be Steven Wilson at his absolute peak. The entire album is a fucking masterpiece and simply one of the best albums i've ever listened to. It's absolutely beautiful and mesmerizing.

Steven Wilson - The Raven That Refused to Sing (and Other Stories)
- Genre: Progressive/Art Rock
- Year: 2013
Personal Notes: This album is fucking PERFECT, it's incredible how fucking talented Steven Wilson is.

System Of A Down - Mezmerize
- Genre: Alternative/Nu Metal
- Year: 2005
Personal Notes: While I enjoy all of SOAD's albums, this is by far my favorite with the most catchy and enjoyable bangers.

Thank You Scientist - Maps of Non-Existent Places
- Genre: Progressive/Jazz Rock
- Year: 2012
Personal Notes: Feed the Horses and Absentee alone make this a certified classic, nevermind the rest of the tracks in this excellent album.

Thank You Scientist - The Perils of Time Travel
- Genre: Progressive/Jazz Rock
- Year: 2011
Personal Notes: It's pretty clear that this is the band's debut EP, but the fact that it still manages to be as great and enjoyable as it is clearly shows how much potential they had even back then.

Thank You Scientist - Plague Accommodations
- Genre: Progressive/Jazz Rock
- Year: 2021
Personal Notes: It's insane how much Thank You Scientist improves with every new release, this EP has some of the best tracks they made yet. Still sad about the original vocalist leaving the band tho.

Thank You Scientist - Terraformer
- Genre: Progressive/Jazz Rock
- Year: 2019
Personal Notes: There's a lot of bangers in here. I love the combination of progressive rock and jazz fusion so much. It's such a unique sound that I adore, and I hope to see more full-length albums from the band.

Tool - 10,000 Days
- Genre: Alternative/Progressive Metal
- Year: 2006

Tool - Lateralus
- Genre: Alternative/Progressive Metal
- Year: 2001
Personal Notes: Schism is an eternal classic.